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I'm about Living life to the fullest...

Blog Archive

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Here Kitty Kitty.....

I caught a couple of Catfish and wanted to throw them on the Grill to see if I could work my Magic.. Well I think things turned out great...


Sunday, May 27, 2012

BBQ Chicken with Softshell & Shrimp Pasta..

Me and my family spent the day at the Water Park and didn't get home until 4pm... It was such a nice day I decided to spark up the grill and try may hand with this Softshell recipe I've been wanting to try for some time.

Thawed the Softies I had in the freezer, and made some whole wheat pasta.  Once the crabs were room temp I seasoned them with some of my Favorite seasoning.

Put the Chicken on the Grill....

Everything turned out GREAT..... Can't wait to try the pasta at the next gathering...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Jerking my Chicken....

Had some wings that were thawed and needed to be cooked so I jerked them up last night, and let them sit in the Fridge..  Today once I got home I cut the wings into party style wings and turned on the grill..

One the Grill got hot I coated the grates with EVOO, and placed the Chicken on Grill, and turned the flame down to Medium...

the Chicken turned out ok, but I think I would have preferred Slow Smoking the wings....  Maybe I will have time this weekend to do it the Right way.... 

Monday, May 21, 2012

I found the SOFTIES!!!!!

After the big cookout on Saturday I wasn't planning on doing anything with the grill other than cleaning it.  Well my plans changed once I got my hands on so me FRESH (alive) Softshell Crabs....    I picked up 4 softies and hurried home to Throw them on the Grill..

I opened the grill and was quickly reminded that the grill needed cleaning.. So I turned on the gas and let the fire do the TALKING...

While the Grill was creaning itself I got the crabs preped for the grill.

Cut the Face off, Apron and removed the lungs.  Then I brushed EVOO (extra Virgin Olive Oil) on them and sprinkled with GOYA Adobo..


Saturday, May 19, 2012

Family in town and no better reason to BBQ.... Jerk Chicken and Pulled Pork..

Had a get together planned today and promised to do some Grilling\BBQ.. Once I figured out that there was going to be a good turnout I decided against the ribs and picked up a Boston Butt (Pork Shoulder) from the store on Friday. For those who don't know pulled pork is made from slow cooking a Pork Shoulder... Got up at 430am, and started the Grill and let me tell you it was COLD....

BTW.. I tried a new Jerk Chicken Recipe.... It was the Bomb...

Meet was on the grill by 530am @250 degrees... 

Four hours into the 11 hour cook..

The Meat(s) turned out to very good and were well recieved....  Another good expierence with the smoker..

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Mothers Day Feast!

My mom called me and asked me if I wanted to bring some to my Grandmothers house.. They are planning on doing a Mothers Day Pot Luck style feast... So of course I was going to use this as an excuse to GRILL\Smoke.. The plan: I've decided to do Ribs and Chicken but this time do them differently. I created a Rub for the ribs instead of using basic seasoning.. With the Chickens I've decided to do one my normal way and with the other one try a Jerk Style Whole Chicken. The Ribs: coated with Mustard (used as a bonding agent doesn't have a taste once cooked), and seasoned with rub and put in a freezer bag over night..
The Chicken: Went to the International Market and got everything I need... Mixed it up and applied it on the Chicken...
The Meat has been seasoned and is now sitting in the Fridge,... Tomorrow Morning I'll get up at 6am and start the cooking... To be continued...

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Side Fire Box
The Meat!
4 Hours!
Ok it's official..Im hooked and the wife thinks im crazy! 5am: Im up and heating up a half Chimmney of Stubs Coal to pour into my new Coal Basket which is full of Lump (Royal Oak). 6:30am the chamber wont get past 210degrees.. So I get rid of the baffle (Inverted stock Coal Tray) and the Grill thanked me by jumping up to 270 (grate level) in 10 minutes... Meat Goes on